Parent Information Pack

Welcome to Glen Innes Public School.
We look forward to working with your family to provide the best possible educational outcomes for your child.
Attendance at school is important. Parents/carers are required to notify the school explaining their child’s absence within 7 days of returning to school. The school will send out SMS messages of absences each day. Parents and carers can explain the absence by replying to the SMS messages, using the school app or by direct contact with the school office or a signed note from home.
Bell times
8:30am School Office Opens
8:40am Playground Supervision Begins
9:05am 5 Minute “ Get Ready” Bell Sounds
9:10am Classes Begin
10:15am Crunch and Sip
11:10am Recess
11:40am 5 Minute “Get Ready” Bell Sounds
11:45am Classes Resume
1:15pm Lunch
1:50pm 5 Minute “Get Ready” Bell Sounds
1:55pm Classes Resume
3:15pm End of the School Day
3:30pm School Office closes. Phone calls can still be made until 4pm.
Arrival of students after 9.10am and and departure prior to 3.15pm are to be signed in/out by a parent/carer at the front office.
Change of going home arrangements need to be communicated to the front office prior to 2.15pm.
Enrolment forms are available from the school office. The forms are to be completed and returned to the office together with your child’s Birth Certificate, Immunisation Record and proof of address as soon as possible and prior to commencing school. Families can also complete enrolments online, via the GIPS website. If you have Court documents that relate to your child, could you please provide a copy to the school.
Should any of your contact details change, during your child’s school life, including your address, contact phone numbers or emergency contacts or even your family situation please contact the school office as soon as possible. This is very important in order to contact you in case of illness or injury of your child.
School Communication
Newsletters are published on our Facebook page, School website, accessible via the GIPS app and emailed weekly to Paretns/Carers.
Keep up to date with school events and happenings on our Facebook page – Glen Innes Public School or this website.
Voluntary School Contribution
School contributions are set by the Department and aid in the purchase of resources.
Lunch Centre
Our school Lunch Centre operates 3 days a week. Lunch and recess orders are to be placed at the Lunch Centre by 9.10 am. Your child’s name and class is to be written on a paper bag and money placed securely in the bag. Lunch Centre price lists are sent home regularly. Online ordering is available through the Spriggy app.
Medical Conditions and Allergies
Please advise the office if your child has specific medical needs or any other medical conditions or allergies.
Individual Health Care Plans are to be completed for every child who has a medical condition or allergy. Forms are available from the office. Emergency care/response plan forms (available from your child’s Doctor) are to be completed for every child who has a high risk medical condition or allergy including the specified treatment.
Parents/carers of students requiring prescribed medication at school will need to complete a “Request for Administering Prescribed Medication Form”, available at the office.
Please Note: Medication must be presented in the package from the chemist, in a blister pack, clearly labelled with your child’s name, dosage and time to be taken. It will be stored and administered at the office. Regrettably non-prescription over the counter medications cannot be administered by staff. ie Panadol
Parents’ and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
P & C meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the school. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
PBL has been implemented at Glen Innes Public School since 2016. The core expectations are Pride, Respect and Success and students are rewarded for displaying these values
Programs and Learning and Support
Glen Innes Public School offers the following:
Aboriginal Education Officer Support
Kitchen Garden
Learning Support Team (LaST)
Early Intervention
Music /Band
Kinder Transition
Infants to Primary Transition
Special Religious Education
High School Transition
Breakfast Club
School Counsellor
Book Club
Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL)
School Swimming Scheme
Lunch Centre 3 days a week
If your child seems unwell we ask that you keep them home from school and seek medical advice.